Reasons Why Brides Choose Alternative Bouquets and Edible Bouquet Options

Alternative Bouquets and Edible BouquetReasons Why Brides Choose Alternative Bouquets and Edible Bouquet Options
Why Brides May Want to Consider An Alternative Wedding Bouquet

Fresh flower bridal bouquets are susceptible to drying, wilting, and fading over time. Certain alternative bouquet options are less susceptible to these problems. Brides getting married in inclement weather should consider the delicate nature of many fresh flowers for how they will hold up on their wedding day in determining whether or not to go with fresh flowers or an alternative in their bouquets. If a bride is having bridal portraits taken prior to the wedding day and will be carrying fresh flowers, she will need a separate bouquet for the photography session and her wedding day if she wants her fresh flowers bouquet to be at its best. Many times an alternative bouquet can be used on more than one occasion and still look its best. Although there are things brides can do to preserve their bouquets following their wedding, fresh flower bouquets will never look the same as on their wedding day. This is an important consideration for the bride who wishes to keep her bouquet as a keepsake of her wedding.

Some varieties of fresh flowers can be difficult or simply unavailable if the bloom the bride wants for her bouquet is in high demand or is out-of-season when the wedding is taking place. Out-of-season, difficult to secure blooms, or more popular blooms can be expensive too. Brides who want a bloom in a particular color may be out-of-luck if the flower does not occur naturally in that color and cannot be dyed so they will substitute an alternative in their bouquet.

Eco-friendly brides having a green wedding may object to the pesticides used to grow the majority of fresh flowers available in the United States or object to the waste from the bouquet. Organically grown flowers are available, but they can be difficult to find and are expensive unless the bride wants some from her own garden. Highly allergic brides, grooms, or wedding party members are susceptible to the pollen in fresh flower bouquets. Some brides may simply desire a less traditional bouquet for their wedding day that does not include fresh flowers so they turn to alternative bouquets.


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Alternative Bouquets and Edible Bouquet
Reasons Why Brides Choose Alternative Bouquets and Edible Bouquet Options

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