Getting Your Wedding Invitations Sent

Wedding Invitations
Getting Your Wedding Invitations Sent
It really doesn’t matter if you are planning to have a large or a small wedding; you still have to send out invitations. For larger wedding parties, you should buy your invitations at bulk party stores, or wedding warehouses in order to get the best buy for your money.
Of course, you can always choose to make your own invitations which is also nice and unique.
Common homemade invitations are often made up of tissue paper over white regular paper, and decorated colored paper. When it comes to wedding invitations, some people even use calligraphy to hand craft their invitations and it adds a nice elegant touch to your invitations.

When you make your invitations by hand, you can address each one individually so that you can add unique invitations to your guests that are addressed specifically to them.
When you hand make your invitations, there are no limits to what you can do to them or what add-ons that you can use. The most popular additions to hand made invitations are:
· Photos of the happy couple
· Artful calligraphy accents
· Paper flowers
· Poems, verse and prose
· Rhinestones and/or sequins
· Gold or silver model car paint for accents

Not everyone has the know how to create hand made specialty invitations, and if you would prefer to buy yours, you can easily find good bargains on them if you go to a wedding warehouse or a party warehouse.
Most places offer discounts when you buy items in bulk and this is great if you are planning to have a larger wedding of 50 or more guests. Invitations do not have to break your bank account, but they do have to be there.

You can also save money on invitations if you personally deliver as many of them as possible rather than sending them through the mail.
You can also hand certain invitations to friends and family members to pass along for you to those who they see more often than you do.
You can also post your wedding date and guest list on your family website if you have one or in the newspaper and only send invitations to those who do not have access to the internet

Wedding Invitations

Wedding InvitationsWedding Invitations

Wedding Invitations

Wedding Invitations
Wedding Invitations

Wedding InvitationsGetting Your Wedding Invitations Sent

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